Linshang UV Light Meter-Dedicated for UVC Germicidal Lamp

Time:2020/03/14 12:00:00 Browse:681

Ultraviolet light is an invisible light wave. It is a kind of light wave, which is divided into four different wavelength bands, A, B, C and D, according to different wavelength ranges.
       The UVA band, with a wavelength of 320 ~ 400nm, is also called long-wave black spot effect ultraviolet. It has a strong penetrating power. More than 98% of sunlight can penetrate the ozone layer and clouds to reach the earth's surface. UVA can reach the skin's dermis, destroy elastic fibers and collagen fibers and tan our skin. Commonly used in tungsten ore identification, fluorescence detection, biopolymerization, industrial glue curing, oil stain detection and other industries.
       UVB band, wavelength 275 ~ 320nm, also known as medium wave erythema effect ultraviolet. Only less than 2% of daylight reaches the Earth's surface. It is particularly intense in summer and afternoon. Prolonged or excessive exposure can tan the skin and cause redness, swelling and peeling. It can be used in dermatological phototherapy tubes, ultraviolet health lamps, plant growth lamps and other fields.
       UVC is short-wave ultraviolet. Ultraviolet UVC wavelength, 200 ~ 275nm, also known as short-wave sterilization ultraviolet. When 253.7nm radiation reaches a certain value, it can kill intestinal pathogens, Aspergillus flavus and HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen) in a short time. Ultraviolet germicidal lamps emit short-wave UVC. UVC short-wave ultraviolet light has the weakest penetration ability and cannot penetrate most of transparent glass and plastic. The short-wave ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight are almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer. Although UVC has the weakest penetration ability than UVA and UVB, it has the greatest damage to the human body. Short-term exposure can burn the skin. Long-term or high-intensity exposure can also cause skin cancer.
       Ultraviolet disinfection is widely used in hospitals, schools, nurseries, movie theaters, buses, offices, homes, etc. It can purify the air and eliminate moldy odor. In addition, it can generate a certain amount of negative oxygen ions. Ultraviolet disinfection is widely used in hospitals, schools, nurseries, movie theaters, buses, offices, homes, etc. It can purify the air and eliminate moldy odor. In addition, it can generate a certain amount of negative oxygen ions. Especially with the recent outbreak, disinfection is particularly important for hospitals and other places. Some public places also began to focus on disinfecting public areas such as door handles and elevator buttons.

uv light meter

However, if the UVC germicidal lamp is aging, the desired sterilizing effect cannot be achieved. We generally recommend using a professional UV light meter to detect germicidal lamps. Linshang Technology developed a special UV light meter. The spectral response range is 230nm-280nm, λp = 254nm. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause skin pigmentation, thickened and rough skin. Seriously, it can also cause precancerous lesions, skin cancer and cataracts. Therefore, long-term ultraviolet radiation should be avoided. However, short-term exposure to ultraviolet disinfection lamps, the main harm caused by electro-optic ophthalmitis and skin damage, other carcinogenic risks are extremely small. Therefore, this UV light meter  also has a Bluetooth data transmission function. After connecting to the mobile phone APP, the staff can monitor the intensity of the germicidal lamp in real time from a certain distance to avoid being burned by ultraviolet rays during the test.
