Gloss Tester | PET Plastic Products Gloss

Time:2020/04/22 10:30:00 Browse:714

1. What is PET?

Most people do not understand the classification of plastic products, PET plastic is the abbreviation of English Polyethy leneterephthalate, referred to as PET or PETP. Chinese meaning: Polyterephthalate plastics, mainly including polyethylene terephthalate PET and polybutylene terephthalate PBT. Polyethylene terephthalate is also commonly known as polyester resin. It is a polycondensate of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, together with PBT are collectively called thermoplastic polyester, or saturated polyester.
       The molecular structure of PET plastic is highly symmetrical and has a certain degree of crystal orientation, so it has high film forming properties. PET plastic has good optical properties and weather resistance. Amorphous PET plastic has good optical transparency. In addition, PET plastic has excellent wear resistance, dimensional stability and electrical insulation. Bottles made of PET are widely used because of their strength, good transparency, non-toxicity, impermeability, light weight, and high production efficiency. In fact, in simple terms, PET is a plastic with good optical properties.

2. How to reduce the gloss of PET surface?

Of course, the surface gloss of PET is relatively high, some users demand to reduce the surface gloss. Solutions to reduce the gloss of PET surface:
● The mold temperature is higher.
● Add some white carbon black
● Small molecular additives, especially lubricants.
● Add rubber component, resin can't.

3. PET surface gloss detection method

If you want to accurately assess the gloss of PET material, you can test it according to the national standard GB / T 8807-1988 "Test Method for Plastic Mirror Gloss". This standard specifies three methods for measuring the gloss of plastic mirrors at 20 °, 45 °, and 60 ° angles. The gloss tester is a glossiness measurement device suitable for the measurement of PET gloss. Among them, the 20 ° angle is used for high gloss plastics, the 45 ° angle is mainly used for low gloss plastics. The 60 ° angle is mainly used for the gloss measurement medium gloss plastics. The comparison of specular gloss only applies to the same type of PET material using the same method.
       The general 60 ° angle on the market is like the universal 60 degree gloss meter LS192 with a range of 1000GU. High gloss and low gloss materials can be tested, because gloss is a relative value. When there is no uniform standard in the applied industry, LS192 gloss tester can be used for testing. If the industry has uniform standards, it is best to use the same angle instrument to test PET materials. Therefore, the choice of measurement angle should be different according to different situations.
