LS108H can test the visible transmittance of liquor bottle

Time:2019/02/27 11:46:00 Browse:2301

  We have a customer which is a large-scale liquor manufacturers, they send a few bottle samples to us and want to test the light transmittance by our LS108H Light Transmittance Meter.
  But the bottle is round, our instrument at one end is the light source, the other end is the receiver, if the whole bottle is put between them, the light source will pass two times of transmittance, the test data will be inaccurate. So we smashed the bottle and tested it with a small glass fragment sample so that the visible light transmittance meter LS108h can test more accurately.
  The following picture is the fragment sample of four different bottle specifications provided by our customer:

LS108H Light Transmittance Meter

  The test results of LS108H Spectrum Transmittance Meteris as follows:

Spetrum Transmission Meter

  The LS108H visible light transmittance meterfrom left to right are three light sources, their peak wavelength are 550nm visible light, 940nm infrared light, 365nm UV.But our customer only need to test the transmittance, so we only need to read the leftmost display data. The data in the middle and the right have no reference value because the samples are not large enough to cover the entire test slot.
