The colorimeters are widely used for color measurement and comparison across various industries such as hardware, printing, paper, leather, plastics, coatings, inks, liquids, and more. Linshang color meters can measure color in different color spaces, including CIE Lab, Luv, LCh, Yxy, CMYK, RGB, and Hex, as well as various color difference formulas, all of which enhance measurement accuracy. The color difference meter is user-friendly and can be easily operated with the color quality control app and PC software. For more details on selecting a colorimeter and common FAQs, please refer to the Linshang Portable Colorimeter Selection and FAQ.

LS170 45°/0° Pocket Colorimeter

Color quality control App.

Provide color measurement and color comparison.

Portable colorimeter with App.

No display.


LS171 D/8° Pocket Colorimeter

Provide color measurement and color comparison. 

OLED display with colorimeter App. 

Establish personal color chart.

Portable colorimeter of simple operation.


LS172 45°/0° Portable Colorimeter

Touch screen control, no button setting required

Built-in multiple electronic color charts

Simple operation

Color difference comparison, QC testing for quality control


LS173 D/8° Handheld Colorimeter

3.5-inch IPS color capacitive touch screen

Color measurement and color comparison

QC mode, which is convenient and fast for batch detection

Good repeatability, standard deviation △E*ab≤0.03


LS175 Colorimeter with a Large Measuring Aperture

Large measuring aperture up to 20mm, suitable for color measurement on textured or rough surface materials;

3.5-inch IPS color display and capacity touch panel offer simple operation;

color comparison and color scan functions

the device can connect APP on mobile phone via Bluetooth or connect PC software via USB cable.


LS176 Portable Spectrophotometer

New horizontal test design to avoid instrument shaking, resulting in the deviation of test results

Full spectrum LED light source with balanced spectral distribution in the visible light range, contributing to high color rendering and accurate color measurement

Offer professional spectral reflectance curve, new yellowness, whiteness, and other color parameters can be measured


LS177 Benchtop Spectrophotometer

50mm large test aperture

Provide professional reflectance curves

Suitable for powder, granules and rough materials

Whiteness, Yellowness and other parameters measurement


LS177C Coffee Colorimeter

Equipped with 7-inch color screen, easy to use

One-touch measurement of SCAA, HCCI and Roast Degree

Suitable for testing coffee beans and coffee powder

Lab value and color differrence comparison of coffee beans measurement


LS178 Small Aperture Spectrophotometer

1mm measuring aperture

Touchscreen design, and is easy to operate

Color measurement and color difference comparison

Suitable for color measurement of small workpieces


LS155 Color Haze Meter

Supports both ASTM and ISO standards

Dual aperture design, small-sized materials can also be measured

Good repeatability and can pass the test of the National Institute of Metrology

Suitable for measuring transparent materials such as film, glass, liquid, etc


Portable colorimeter principle, standard, operation and color spaces

I. How to choose a colorimeter?

Model Application Measuring Aperture Principle Measurement Mode Support Bluetooth PC software and Touch Screen
LS171 General colorimeter for leather, cloth, coating, hardware, etc. 8mm D/8° , (SCI) Reflectance measurement ×
LS170 Printing material 45°/0° ×
LS175 Textured, rough surface 20mm
LS177 Powder, masterbatches 50mm D/8 (SCI)
LS177C Coffee beans 50mm
LS155 Transparent materials such as plastic, glass, films, liquids 14mm/5mm D/0° Transmission measurement

II. Colorimeter principle

What is colorimeter? Some people may be confused. Simply put, a colorimeter is a color measurement tool used to provide color measurement and color comparison so as to varify the color quality of samples. Color meters used in different industries have different color measuring principles. Here, we will introduce two most common measuring principles.

1. D/8° colorimeter principle

Linshang portable colorimeter adopts d/8° integrating sphere principle. To put it simply, there is a measuring aperture (incident light) on an integrating sphere. The incident light illuminates the integrating sphere and the inside of the integrating sphere undergoes reflection and refraction to make the light source uniform. The receiving hole at an angle of 8° off center axis to receive the light and make calculation by the color difference formula. The integrating sphere is the key part of the colorimeter. The color measurement accuracy has a great relationship with the integrating sphere. If the quality of the integrating sphere is not good, it will affect the service life of the color meter, which will greatly increase the maintenance cost. Therefore, the use of a high-quality integrating sphere will extend the use time of the instrument. 

portable colorimeter principle

2. 45°/0 colorimeter principle

Linshang handheld color difference meter adopt the 45°/0 principle which means (45°annular illumination, 0° viewing angle). Simply put, the light source irradiates from all directions at the same time and is found to illuminate the reflective sample at a 45° angle. Linshang LS170 handheld color meter use four light sources, which are placed on the same horizontal plane. After repeated reflections, the light emitted by the 4 light sources will evenly shine on the measured sample.

handheld colorimeter principle

III. Colorimeter standard

Linshang pocket colorimeters are in compliance with the relevant international CIE standards and GB standards. The specific standards are as follows:

GBT 3978-2008 Standard illuminants and geometric conditions, this national standard specifies the relative spectral power distribution of CIE standard lighting bodies A, D65 and other luminaires C. The angle and space condition of the Linshang LS170 colorimeter meets the condition of 45°x: o°, that is, it receives reflected radiation from a certain orientation at an angle of 45°.

GBT 3979-2008 Methods for the measurement of object color. It stipulates the technical conditions of white standards and the measurement methods of objects. The colorimeter of Linshang Technology is a product developed by using relative color stimulus function.

GBT 7921-2008 Uniform color space and color difference formula. In this standard, the color difference calculation and color difference color difference formulas are explained. Linshang Technology has just referred to these color difference formulas for color difference calculation. In addition, the two color difference meters of Linshang Technology also meet the following standards

"GBT 11186.1-1989 Methods for measuring the colour of paint films-Part 1: Principles"

"GBT 11186.2-1989 Methods for measuring the colour of paint films-Part 2: Colour measurement"

"GBT 11186.3-1989 Methods for measuring the colour of paint films-Part 3: Calculation of colour difference"

"JJG 595-2002 Colorimeters and Color Difference Meters"

IV. How to use colorimeter and colorimeter advantages

1. How to use colorimeter?

  1. Both Linshang color difference meters need to be used with colorimeter App. Let's start a color measurement using Linshang colorimeter:

  2. Use the browser to scan the QR code on the instrument to install the colorimeter APP, download and install it as prompted.

  3. Turn on the Bluetooth and find the SN number same as the instrument.

  4. Select to calibrate the meter or skip the calibration.

  5. You can choose "Color Scan" or "Color Compare".

  6. Press the button on the pocket colorimeter or press the measurement button on the colorimeter App.

  7. Measured color will be displayed on the screen.

2. Colorimeter advantages

  1. If you make color measurement, choose the color chart you need, three closest color codes will be matched.

  2. You can establish the personal color chart and save this color.

  3. Then you can make color comparison, measure the color of the sample and use the saved color as the standard color. Two colors will be compared.

  4. Linshang colorimeter also has QC testing function, a variety of color charts are installed in colorimeter App.

  5. Various color parameters can be measured, and multiple color difference formulas can be selected to meet the diverse needs of different industries.

  6. The pocket colorimeter has an 8mm measuring aperture, meaning the test sample’s surface area only needs to exceed 8mm in diameter. Additionally, models with larger measuring apertures, such as 20mm and 50mm, are also available.

  7. The device offers a data storage function with ample space, allowing it to save both sample color data and color difference comparison data.

  8. Equipped with a full-spectrum LED light source and a spectral sensor, the instrument provides more accurate measurements.

  9. The measurement time of the instrument is very short, only 1s.

Linshang portable colorimeter is small in size, compared with ordinary desktop colorimeters. Moreover, the color difference meter quality is good and the colorimeter price is relatively low compared with the colorimeter of same performance.

V. Color spaces

7 color spaces are mainly CIE Lab, Luv, LCh, Yxy, CMYK, s-RGB, Hex, so what does Lab mean? In fact, Lab simply means the color coordinate space of a color. Any color has a unique Lab (color coordinate space). It expresses color as three values: L* for the lightness from black (0) to white (100), a* from green (−) to red (+), and b* from blue (−) to yellow (+). CIELAB was designed so that the same amount of numerical change in these values corresponds to roughly the same amount of visually perceived change. (Quoted from Wikipedia). △E represents the total color difference, △L+ means brighter and △L- means darker. △a+ means reddish, △a- means greenish. △b+ means yellowish, △b- means bluish.


In LCh, "L" means brightness, "C" means saturation and "H" means hue. Brightness, saturation and hue are the three basic attributes of color. In the RGB color space. "R" is red, "G" is green and "B" is blue. This color space is more used in the printing industry.

In the Luv color space, "L" represents the brightness and "u" and "v" represent the Chroma RGB value and the Luv value can be converted by formulas. The "Y" value in the color space Yxy represents the Y value in the tristimulus color and xy represents the chromaticity characteristics of the color. The color space CMYK represents a printing color mode. The color space HEX is also called the hexadecimal color space, which refers to the hexadecimal representation of colors.