The colorimeters are widely used for the color measurement and color comparison in hardware, printing, paper, leather, plastics, coatings, inks and other fields. Linshang color meter can measure color in 7 color spaces such as CIE Lab, Luv, LCh, Yxy, CMYK, s-RGB, Hex and 7 color difference formulas which provide better color measurement accuracy. The color difference meter is very convenient to use with color quality control APP. For detailed colorimeter selection and FAQ, please read Linshang Portable Colorimeter Selection and FAQ for details.
LS170 45°/0° Colorimeter
Color quality control App.
Provide color measurement and color comparison.
Portable colorimeter with App.
No display.
LS171 D/8° Colorimeter
Provide color measurement and color comparison.
OLED display with colorimeter App.
Establish personal color chart.
Portable colorimeter of simple operation.
LS172 45°/0° Colorimeter with Touch Screen
Touch screen control, no button setting required
Built-in multiple electronic color charts
Simple operation
Color difference comparison, QC testing
LS173 D/8° Colorimeter with Touch Screen
3.5-inch IPS color capacitive touch screen
Color measurement and color comparison
QC mode, which is convenient and fast for batch detection
Good repeatability, standard deviation △E*ab≤0.03
LS175 Colorimeter with a large measuring aperture
Large measuring aperture up to 20mm, suitable for color measurement on textured or rough surface materials;
3.5-inch IPS color display and capacity touch panel offer simple operation;
color comparison and color scan functions
the device can connect APP on mobile phone via Bluetooth or connect PC software via USB cable.
LS176 Spectrophotometer
New horizontal test design to avoid instrument shaking, resulting in the deviation of test results
Full spectrum LED light source with balanced spectral distribution in the visible light range, contributing to high color rendering and accurate color measurement
Offer professional spectral reflectance curve, new yellowness, whiteness, and other color parameters can be measured
LS177 Spectrophotometer
50mm large test aperture
Provide professional reflectance curves
Good repeatability, △E*ab≤0.03
WI-R457,WI-Hunter,YI-98 and other parameters measurement
LS177C Coffee Colorimeter
Equipped with 7-inch color screen, easy to use
One-touch measurement of SCAA, HCCI and roast degree
50mm large test aperture
Lab value and color differrence comparison of coffee beans measurement
LS155 Color Haze Meter
1. Supports both ASTM and ISO standards
2. Equipped with 7-inch color screen, easy to use
3. Dual aperture design, small-sized materials can also be measured
4. Good repeatability and can pass the test of the National Institute of Metrology