How to Test UV Blocking Rate with an UV Power Meter

Time:2019/08/05 10:49:00 Browse:2154

The latest UV power meter from Linshang Technology has added the function to test the UV blocking rate of solar film. However, many customers have not noticed this function. Below we will explain in detail how to test UV blocking rate of solar film with LS123 UV power meter.
    First we need to prepare an UV flashlight, an UV power meter and a piece of solar film.
    Four steps
1.Press the power button to turn on the UV power meter. At this time, the number in the upper right corner of the instrument shows 0.0. This value is the UV power. The lower left corner shows 0.0%, which is the UV blocking rate.

123 UV power meter

UV flash light and UV power meter

2. Turn on the flashlight and keep the light source facing the top detector of the UV power meter. At this time, the upper right corner of the instrument will show that the UV power is 12636uW/cm.

123 UV power meter

UV blocking rate of window film

3. After the UV power data of the instrument is basically stable, press the “0%” button, and 0% appears at the bottom left of the instrument. This value represents UV power meter can accept all the UV light power from the flashlight, so the UV blocking rate shows 0%.
4. Keep the position of the UV flashlight and the UV power meter unchanged. Place a solar film between the flashlight and the UV power meter. The UV blocking rate of the solar film can be immediately displayed in the lower left corner of the instrument. 90% means the solar film can block 90% UV power. The upper right corner shows the UV power value through this solar film.
In addition to testing the solar film, this UV power meter can also test glass and automotive window, we can compare the UV blocking rate changes before and after attach a car window film.
